-Chicks purchased from local hatchery.

-Raised on green pasture their whole life, never in a brooder.

-Spacious chicken tractors for health and ample forage.

-Rotated daily to support sustainability by fertilizing our pastures that all of our animals will graze.

-Supplemented with all organic feed (Oregon Tilth Certified)

-Fresh (not frozen) chicken CSA program.

-It is seriously delicious! Happy chickens make tasty chicken!


You can purchase our chicken through our CSA May-October (see below), or year round frozen from the farm stand.


Fresh chicken once a month from May-October

NEW 2023! You will now be able to get cut up chicken as part of your CSA membership! See add ons below.

New 2023! Extended pick up window Thursdays- Saturdays on CSA weeks.


Step 1: Choose a 1,2 or 3 whole chicken CSA option and add it to your cart(you must purchase a whole chicken CSA share to be eligible for the cut-up chicken CSA)

Step 2: Choose which add-ons you would like and add to your cart. You may mix and match and add multiple selections of the same type

Step 3: Checkout

(You may also sign-up in person at the farm stand during business hours)

Step 1: Choose whole Chicken amount

3 per month (18 total)- $639($200 deposit)

2 per month (12 total)- $426(150 deposit)

1 per month (6 total)- $213($75 deposit)

Chicken CSA Deposit- 3 per month
Chicken CSA Deposit- 2 per month
Chicken CSA Deposit- 1 per month

Step 2: Choose Cut up chicken add-ons

Add on #1- Breasts, Leg quarters

You will receive 1 Package each of 2 Breasts and 2 Leg Quarters Monthly

Add on #2: Soup/Stock Bag

You will receive 1 bag of chicken backs and giblets per month

Add on #3 -Wings

You will receive a 10pk of wings monthly


Pick up chicken directly from our farm stand

May 15th-18th

June 12th-15th

July 18th-20th

August 14th-17th

September 18th-21st

October 16th-19th

Date are subject to change. If you are unable to pick up your chicken on those days we are able to freeze and store them for you.